My love of social media and particularly of Instagram led to an important discovery: Blogging on Instagram yields greater engagement and gratification than any other blogging medium. Some of you know I've been on a book-writing journey since 2020. My first book, Blogging on Instagram: Engagement Writing on One of the World's Best Social Media Platforms is published and was released on Amazon and Barnes and Nobel as of August 25, 2021.
My eBook is available for $4.99 and the paperback is $17.99. The paperback was the #1 new release across ten categories when it launched and the eBook was #1 in blogs and blogging for three weeks.
The link to Amazon is: If you would buy the eBook, it would be beyond awesome if you could rate it and leave a short review on Amazon and/or Goodreads! Also, if you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear from you! And if you are on Instagram and follow me at @terrinakamura please post a shoutout so I know to follow you back!
Thank you very much!
